
Bstudy office specializing in structure, fluid, and electricity intervenes at the level of all the stages of the cycle of a civil engineering project, from its preliminary design, by identifying its requirements and its constraints, until the complete delivery of the work.

The evolution of storage methods and logistics processes, associated with the obsolescence of old real estate call into question the operation of certain warehouses and their valuation.
This phenomenon is accentuated by the development of
Ecommerce which has an impact on the general organization of logistics. This implies a transformation of the logistics professions and the need to redevelop/reconfigure the buildings in the future according to the areas of implantation (reduction or increasementation of activity) or to also provide extensions in case of development of the activity.
To these constraints of optimizing the management of flows and processes and the evolution of the activity which require flexible buildings, add to the issues of the impact of these warehouses on the environment: having more energy-efficient buildings. Finally, beyond simple storage, the logistics activity has diversified. She integrated the preparation of orders,assembly of components, filming and labeling of products. Developmentof these operations has greatly increased the use of manual handling, despite the parallel mechanization, and therefore the exposure of employees to the risks involved. The logistics sector is recognized as a risky activity for work accidents.
Occupational risk prevention is always more effective and more economical when it is integrated during the process of designing buildings, choosing and installing equipment. The prevention approachin design relate in particular to the building and its surroundings.
All these constraints: optimization of surfaces, volumes and handling, flexibility of the building(including future extensions), energy savings, personnel safety and accident prevention, require a certain know-how associated with innovative solutions for the construction of adapted logistics buildings.